Source code for troposphere.validators

# Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Mark Peek <>
# All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE file for full license.
from __future__ import annotations

import json
from re import compile
from typing import (

    from .. import AWSHelperFn, Tags
    from ..type_defs.compat import Literal, SupportsIndex

__T = TypeVar("__T")

def boolean(x: Literal[True, 1, "true", "True"]) -> Literal[True]: ...

def boolean(x: Literal[False, 0, "false", "False"]) -> Literal[False]: ...

[docs]def boolean(x: Any) -> bool: if x in [True, 1, "1", "true", "True"]: return True if x in [False, 0, "0", "false", "False"]: return False raise ValueError
[docs]def integer(x: Any) -> Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt, SupportsIndex]: try: int(x) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError("%r is not a valid integer" % x) else: return x
[docs]def positive_integer(x: Any) -> Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt, SupportsIndex]: p = integer(x) if int(p) < 0: raise ValueError("%r is not a positive integer" % x) return x
[docs]def integer_range( minimum_val: float, maximum_val: float ) -> Callable[[Any], Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt, SupportsIndex]]: def integer_range_checker(x: Any) -> Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt, SupportsIndex]: i = int(x) if i < minimum_val or i > maximum_val: raise ValueError( "Integer must be between %d and %d" % (minimum_val, maximum_val) ) return x return integer_range_checker
[docs]def integer_list_item( allowed_values: List[float], ) -> Callable[[Any], Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt, SupportsIndex]]: def integer_list_item_checker( x: Any, ) -> Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt, SupportsIndex]: i = int(x) if i in allowed_values: return x raise ValueError( "Integer must be one of following: %s" % ", ".join(str(j) for j in allowed_values) ) return integer_list_item_checker
[docs]def double(x: Any) -> Union[SupportsFloat, SupportsIndex, str, bytes, bytearray]: try: float(x) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError("%r is not a valid double" % x) else: return x
[docs]def tags_or_list(x: Any) -> Union[AWSHelperFn, Tags, List[Any]]: """backward compatibility""" from .. import AWSHelperFn, Tags if isinstance(x, (AWSHelperFn, Tags, list)): return x # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"Value {x} of type {type(x)} must be either Tags or list")
[docs]def ignore(x: __T) -> __T: """Method to indicate bypassing property validation""" return x
[docs]def defer(x: __T) -> __T: """Method to indicate defering property validation""" return x
[docs]def network_port(x: Any) -> Union[AWSHelperFn, str, bytes, SupportsInt, SupportsIndex]: from .. import AWSHelperFn # Network ports can be Ref items if isinstance(x, AWSHelperFn): return x i = integer(x) if int(i) < -1 or int(i) > 65535: raise ValueError("network port %r must been between 0 and 65535" % i) return x
[docs]def s3_bucket_name(b: str) -> str: # consecutive periods not allowed if ".." in b: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid s3 bucket name" % b) # IP addresses not allowed ip_re = compile(r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") if ip_re.match(b): raise ValueError("%s is not a valid s3 bucket name" % b) s3_bucket_name_re = compile(r"^[a-z\d][a-z\d\.-]{1,61}[a-z\d]$") if s3_bucket_name_re.match(b): return b else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid s3 bucket name" % b)
[docs]def elb_name(b: str) -> str: elb_name_re = compile( r"^[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,30}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1})?$" ) # noqa if elb_name_re.match(b): return b else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid elb name" % b)
[docs]def encoding(encoding: str) -> str: valid_encodings = ["plain", "base64"] if encoding not in valid_encodings: raise ValueError("Encoding needs to be one of %r" % valid_encodings) return encoding
[docs]def one_of( class_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any], property: str, conditionals: List[Any] ) -> None: from .. import AWSHelperFn check_property = properties.get(property) if isinstance(check_property, AWSHelperFn) or issubclass( type(check_property), AWSHelperFn ): return if check_property not in conditionals: raise ValueError( # Ensure we handle None as a valid value '%s.%s must be one of: "%s"' % ( class_name, property, ", ".join(condition for condition in conditionals if condition), ), "or a CFN Intrinsic function / troposphere.AWSHelperFn", )
[docs]def mutually_exclusive( class_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any], conditionals: List[Any] ) -> int: from .. import NoValue found_list: List[Any] = [] for c in conditionals: if c in properties and not properties[c] == NoValue: found_list.append(c) seen = set(found_list) specified_count = len(seen) if specified_count > 1: raise ValueError( ("%s: only one of the following" " can be specified: %s") % (class_name, ", ".join(conditionals)) ) return specified_count
[docs]def exactly_one( class_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any], conditionals: List[Any] ) -> int: specified_count = mutually_exclusive(class_name, properties, conditionals) if specified_count != 1: raise ValueError( ("%s: one of the following" " must be specified: %s") % (class_name, ", ".join(conditionals)) ) return specified_count
[docs]def check_required( class_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any], conditionals: List[Any] ) -> None: for c in conditionals: if c not in properties: raise ValueError("Resource %s required in %s" % (c, class_name))
[docs]def json_checker(prop: object) -> Any: from .. import AWSHelperFn if isinstance(prop, str): # Verify it is a valid json string json.loads(prop) return prop elif isinstance(prop, dict): # Convert the dict to a basestring return json.dumps(prop) elif isinstance(prop, AWSHelperFn): return prop else: raise TypeError("json object must be a str or dict")
[docs]def waf_action_type(action: object) -> Literal["ALLOW", "BLOCK", "COUNT"]: valid_actions = ["ALLOW", "BLOCK", "COUNT"] if action in valid_actions: return action raise ValueError('Type must be one of: "%s"' % (", ".join(valid_actions)))