Source code for troposphere.template_generator

This module makes it possible to instantiate a new Troposphere Template object
from an existing CloudFormation Template.

    from troposphere.template_generator import TemplateGenerator
    import json

    with open("myCloudFormationTemplate.json") as f:
        json_template = json.load(f)

    template = TemplateGenerator(json_template)

import importlib
import inspect
import os
import pkgutil
from import Mapping, Sequence

from troposphere import AWSObject  # covers resources
from troposphere import GenericHelperFn  # covers ref, fn::, etc
from troposphere import Parameter  # AWSDeclarations
from troposphere import (
from troposphere.policies import CreationPolicy, UpdatePolicy

[docs]class TemplateGenerator(Template): DEPRECATED_MODULES = ["troposphere.dynamodb2"] EXCLUDE_MODULES = DEPRECATED_MODULES + [ "troposphere.openstack.heat", "troposphere.openstack.neutron", "troposphere.openstack.nova", ] _inspect_members = set() _inspect_resources = {} _custom_members = set() _inspect_functions = {} def __init__(self, cf_template, **kwargs): """ Instantiates a new Troposphere Template based on an existing Cloudformation Template. """ super().__init__() if "CustomMembers" in kwargs: self._custom_members = set(kwargs["CustomMembers"]) self._reference_map = {} if "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" in cf_template: self.set_version(cf_template["AWSTemplateFormatVersion"]) if "Transform" in cf_template: self.set_transform(cf_template["Transform"]) if "Description" in cf_template: self.set_description(cf_template["Description"]) if "Metadata" in cf_template: self.set_metadata(cf_template["Metadata"]) for k, v in cf_template.get("Parameters", {}).items(): self.add_parameter(self._create_instance(Parameter, v, k)) for k, v in cf_template.get("Mappings", {}).items(): self.add_mapping(k, self._convert_definition(v)) for k, v in cf_template.get("Conditions", {}).items(): self.add_condition(k, self._convert_definition(v, k)) for k, v in cf_template.get("Resources", {}).items(): self.add_resource( self._convert_definition(v, k, self._get_resource_type_cls(k, v)) ) for k, v in cf_template.get("Outputs", {}).items(): self.add_output(self._create_instance(Output, v, k)) @property def inspect_members(self): """ Returns the list of all troposphere members we are able to construct """ if not self._inspect_members: TemplateGenerator._inspect_members = self._import_all_troposphere_modules() return self._inspect_members @property def inspect_resources(self): """Returns a map of `ResourceType: ResourceClass`""" if not self._inspect_resources: d = {} for m in self.inspect_members: if issubclass( m, (AWSObject, cloudformation.AWSCustomObject) ) and hasattr(m, "resource_type"): d[m.resource_type] = m TemplateGenerator._inspect_resources = d return self._inspect_resources @property def inspect_functions(self): """Returns a map of `FunctionName: FunctionClass`""" if not self._inspect_functions: d = {} for m in self.inspect_members: if issubclass(m, AWSHelperFn): d[m.__name__] = m TemplateGenerator._inspect_functions = d return self._inspect_functions def _get_resource_type_cls(self, name, resource): """Attempts to return troposphere class that represents Type of provided resource. Attempts to find the troposphere class who's `resource_type` field is the same as the provided resources `Type` field. :param resource: Resource to find troposphere class for :return: None: If no class found for provided resource type: Type of provided resource :raise ResourceTypeNotDefined: Provided resource does not have a `Type` field """ # If provided resource does not have `Type` field if "Type" not in resource: raise ResourceTypeNotDefined(name) # Attempt to find troposphere resource with: # `resource_type` == resource['Type'] try: return self.inspect_resources[resource["Type"]] except KeyError: # is there a custom mapping? for custom_member in self._custom_members: if custom_member.resource_type == resource["Type"]: return custom_member # If no resource with `resource_type` == resource['Type'] found return None def _convert_definition(self, definition, ref=None, cls=None): """ Converts any object to its troposphere equivalent, if applicable. This function will recurse into lists and mappings to create additional objects as necessary. :param {*} definition: Object to convert :param str ref: Name of key in parent dict that the provided definition is from, can be None :param type cls: Troposphere class which represents provided definition """ if isinstance(definition, Mapping): if "Type" in definition: # this is an AWS Resource expected_type = None if cls is not None: expected_type = cls else: # if the user uses the custom way to name custom resources, # we'll dynamically create a new subclass for this use and # pass that instead of the typical CustomObject resource try: expected_type = self._generate_custom_type(definition["Type"]) except TypeError: # If definition['Type'] turns out not to be a custom # type (aka doesn't start with "Custom::") if ref is not None: raise ResourceTypeNotFound(ref, definition["Type"]) else: # Make sure expected_type is nothing (as # it always should be) assert not expected_type if expected_type: args = self._normalize_properties(definition) return self._create_instance(expected_type, args, ref) if len(definition) == 1: # This might be a function? function_type = self._get_function_type(list(definition.keys())[0]) if function_type: return self._create_instance( function_type, list(definition.values())[0] ) # nothing special here - return as dict d = {} for k, v in definition.items(): d[k] = self._convert_definition(v) return d elif isinstance(definition, Sequence) and not isinstance(definition, str): return [self._convert_definition(v) for v in definition] # anything else is returned as-is return definition def _create_instance(self, cls, args, ref=None): """ Returns an instance of `cls` with `args` passed as arguments. Recursively inspects `args` to create nested objects and functions as necessary. `cls` will only be considered only if it's an object we track (i.e.: troposphere objects). If `cls` has a `props` attribute, nested properties will be instanciated as troposphere Property objects as necessary. If `cls` is a list and contains a single troposphere type, the returned value will be a list of instances of that type. """ if isinstance(cls, Sequence): if len(cls) == 1: # a list of 1 type means we must provide a list of such objects if isinstance(args, str) or not isinstance(args, Sequence): args = [args] return [self._create_instance(cls[0], v) for v in args] if isinstance(cls, Sequence) or cls not in self.inspect_members.union( self._custom_members ): # this object doesn't map to any known object. could be a string # or int, or a Ref... or a list of types such as # [basestring, FindInMap, Ref] or maybe a # validator such as `integer` or `port_range` return self._convert_definition(args) elif issubclass(cls, AWSHelperFn): # special handling for functions, we want to handle it before # entering the other conditions. try: if issubclass(cls, Tags): arg_dict = {} for d in args: arg_dict[d["Key"]] = d["Value"] return cls(arg_dict) if isinstance(args, Sequence) and not isinstance(args, str): return cls(*self._convert_definition(args)) if issubclass(cls, autoscaling.Metadata): return self._generate_autoscaling_metadata(cls, args) if issubclass(cls, Export): return cls(args["Name"]) args = self._convert_definition(args) if isinstance(args, Ref) and issubclass(cls, Ref): # watch out for double-refs... # this can happen if an object's .props has 'Ref' # as the expected type (which is wrong and should be # changed to basestring!) return args return cls(args) except TypeError as ex: if "__init__() takes exactly" not in ex.message: raise # special AWSHelperFn typically take lowercased parameters, # but templates use uppercase. for this reason we cannot # map to most of them, so we fallback with a generic one. # this might not work for all types if they do extra # processing in their init routine return GenericHelperFn(args) elif isinstance(args, Mapping): # we try to build as many troposphere objects as we can by # inspecting its type validation metadata kwargs = {} kwargs.update(args) for prop_name in getattr(cls, "props", []): if prop_name not in kwargs: continue # the user did not specify this value; skip it expected_type = cls.props[prop_name][0] if ( isinstance(expected_type, Sequence) or expected_type in self.inspect_members ): kwargs[prop_name] = self._create_instance( expected_type, kwargs[prop_name], prop_name ) elif expected_type == bool: if kwargs[prop_name] in ("True", "true", "1"): kwargs[prop_name] = True elif kwargs[prop_name] in ("False", "false", "0"): kwargs[prop_name] = False else: kwargs[prop_name] = self._convert_definition( kwargs[prop_name], prop_name ) else: kwargs[prop_name] = self._convert_definition( kwargs[prop_name], prop_name ) args = self._convert_definition(kwargs) if isinstance(args, Ref): # use the returned ref instead of creating a new object return args if isinstance(args, AWSHelperFn): return self._convert_definition(kwargs) assert isinstance(args, Mapping) return cls(title=ref, **args) return cls(self._convert_definition(args)) def _normalize_properties(self, definition): """ Inspects the definition and returns a copy of it that is updated with any special property such as Condition, UpdatePolicy and the like. """ args = definition.get("Properties", {}).copy() if "Condition" in definition: args.update({"Condition": definition["Condition"]}) if "UpdatePolicy" in definition: # there's only 1 kind of UpdatePolicy; use it args.update( { "UpdatePolicy": self._create_instance( UpdatePolicy, definition["UpdatePolicy"] ) } ) if "CreationPolicy" in definition: # there's only 1 kind of CreationPolicy; use it args.update( { "CreationPolicy": self._create_instance( CreationPolicy, definition["CreationPolicy"] ) } ) if "DeletionPolicy" in definition: # DeletionPolicity is very basic args.update( { "DeletionPolicy": self._convert_definition( definition["DeletionPolicy"] ) } ) if "Metadata" in definition: # there are various kind of metadata; pass it as-is args.update({"Metadata": self._convert_definition(definition["Metadata"])}) if "DependsOn" in definition: args.update( {"DependsOn": self._convert_definition(definition["DependsOn"])} ) return args def _generate_custom_type(self, resource_type): """ Dynamically allocates a new CustomResource class definition using the specified Custom::SomeCustomName resource type. This special resource type is equivalent to the AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource. """ if not resource_type.startswith("Custom::"): raise TypeError("Custom types must start with Custom::") custom_type = type( str(resource_type.replace("::", "")), (self.inspect_resources["AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource"],), {"resource_type": resource_type}, ) self.inspect_members.add(custom_type) self.inspect_resources[resource_type] = custom_type return custom_type def _generate_autoscaling_metadata(self, cls, args): """Provides special handling for the autoscaling.Metadata object""" assert isinstance(args, Mapping) init_config = self._create_instance( cloudformation.InitConfig, args["AWS::CloudFormation::Init"]["config"] ) init = self._create_instance(cloudformation.Init, {"config": init_config}) auth = None if "AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication" in args: auth_blocks = {} for k in args["AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication"]: auth_blocks[k] = self._create_instance( cloudformation.AuthenticationBlock, args["AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication"][k], k, ) auth = self._create_instance(cloudformation.Authentication, auth_blocks) return cls(init, auth) def _get_function_type(self, function_name): """ Returns the function object that matches the provided name. Only Fn:: and Ref functions are supported here so that other functions specific to troposphere are skipped. """ if ( function_name.startswith("Fn::") and function_name[4:] in self.inspect_functions ): return self.inspect_functions[function_name[4:]] return self.inspect_functions["Ref"] if function_name == "Ref" else None def _import_all_troposphere_modules(self): """Imports all troposphere modules and returns them""" dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) module_names = [ pkg_name for importer, pkg_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages( [dirname], prefix="troposphere." ) if not is_pkg and pkg_name not in self.EXCLUDE_MODULES ] module_names.append("troposphere") modules = [] for name in module_names: modules.append(importlib.import_module(name)) def members_predicate(m): return inspect.isclass(m) and not inspect.isbuiltin(m) members = [] for module in modules: members.extend( (m[1] for m in inspect.getmembers(module, members_predicate)) ) return set(members)
[docs]class ResourceTypeNotFound(Exception): def __init__(self, resource, resource_type): Exception.__init__( self, "ResourceType not found for " + resource_type + " - " + resource ) self.resource_type = resource_type self.resource = resource
[docs]class ResourceTypeNotDefined(Exception): def __init__(self, resource): Exception.__init__(self, "ResourceType not defined for " + resource) self.resource = resource