Source code for troposphere.serverless

# Copyright (c) 2017-2022, Fernando Freire <>
# All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE file for full license.

import types
from typing import Tuple, Type

from . import AWSHelperFn, AWSObject, AWSProperty, PropsDictType
from .apigateway import AccessLogSetting, CanarySetting, MethodSetting
from .apigatewayv2 import AccessLogSettings, RouteSettings
from .awslambda import (
from .dynamodb import ProvisionedThroughput, SSESpecification
from .s3 import Filter
from .stepfunctions import LoggingConfiguration, TracingConfiguration
from .validators import (

    from import PolicyDocument

    policytypes: Tuple[Type, ...] = (dict, list, str, PolicyDocument)
except ImportError:
    policytypes = (dict, list, str)

assert types  # silence pyflakes

SERVERLESS_TRANSFORM = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"

[docs]def primary_key_type_validator(x): valid_types = ["String", "Number", "Binary"] if x not in valid_types: raise ValueError("KeyType must be one of: %s" % ", ".join(valid_types)) return x
[docs]class DeadLetterQueue(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Type": (str, False), "TargetArn": (str, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): valid_types = ["SQS", "SNS"] if "Type" in and["Type"] not in valid_types: raise ValueError("Type must be either SQS or SNS")
[docs]class S3Location(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Bucket": (str, True), "Key": (str, True), "Version": (str, False), }
[docs]class Hooks(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "PreTraffic": (str, False), "PostTraffic": (str, False), }
[docs]class DeploymentPreference(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Type": (str, True), "Alarms": (list, False), "Hooks": (Hooks, False), "Enabled": (bool, False), "Role": (str, False), }
[docs]class EventInvokeDestination(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Destination": (str, False), "Type": (str, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): dest ="Destination") tp ="Type") if not dest and tp in ["Lambda", "EventBridge"]: raise ValueError( "Destination is required when Type is " "set to Lambda or EventBridge." ) if tp not in ["SQS", "SNS", "Lambda", "EventBridge"]: raise ValueError( "Type must be one of the following: " "SQS, SNS, Lambda, EventBridge" )
[docs]class OnFailure(EventInvokeDestination): pass
[docs]class OnSuccess(EventInvokeDestination): pass
[docs]class DestinationConfiguration(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "OnFailure": (OnFailure, False), "OnSuccess": (OnSuccess, False), }
[docs]class EventInvokeConfiguration(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "DestinationConfig": (DestinationConfiguration, False), "MaximumEventAgeInSeconds": (integer, False), "MaximumRetryAttempts": (integer, False), }
[docs]def validate_authtype(authtype): VALID_AUTHTYPE = [ "AWS_IAM", "NONE", ] if authtype not in VALID_AUTHTYPE: raise ValueError("AuthType must be one of: %s" % ", ".join(VALID_AUTHTYPE)) return authtype
[docs]class FunctionUrlConfig(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AuthType": (validate_authtype, True), "Cors": (Cors, False), }
[docs]class Function(AWSObject): resource_type = "AWS::Serverless::Function" props: PropsDictType = { "Architectures": ([str], False), "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": (policytypes, False), "AutoPublishAlias": (str, False), "AutoPublishCodeSha256": (str, False), "CodeSigningConfigArn": (str, False), "CodeUri": ((S3Location, str), False), "DeadLetterQueue": (DeadLetterQueue, False), "DeploymentPreference": (DeploymentPreference, False), "Description": (str, False), "EphemeralStorage": (EphemeralStorage, False), "Environment": (Environment, False), "EventInvokeConfig": (EventInvokeConfiguration, False), "Events": (dict, False), "FileSystemConfigs": ([FileSystemConfig], False), "FunctionName": (str, False), "FunctionUrlConfig": (FunctionUrlConfig, False), "Handler": (str, False), "ImageConfig": (ImageConfig, False), "ImageUri": ((AWSHelperFn, str, dict), False), "InlineCode": (str, False), "KmsKeyArn": (str, False), "Layers": ([str], False), "MemorySize": (validate_memory_size, False), "PackageType": (validate_package_type, False), "PermissionsBoundary": (str, False), "Policies": (policytypes, False), "ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig": (ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration, False), "ReservedConcurrentExecutions": (positive_integer, False), "Role": (str, False), "Runtime": (str, False), "RuntimeManagementConfig": (RuntimeManagementConfig, False), "Tags": (dict, False), "Timeout": (positive_integer, False), "Tracing": (str, False), "VersionDescription": (str, False), "VpcConfig": (VPCConfig, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): image_uri ="ImageUri") code_uri ="CodeUri") inline_code ="InlineCode") if not (image_uri or code_uri or inline_code) and not "Metadata" ): raise ValueError( "You must specify local container image information in " "the Metadata of the Function if you are not specifying " "ImageUri, CodeUri or InlineCode." ) if image_uri or code_uri or inline_code: conds = [ "CodeUri", "InlineCode", "ImageUri", ] exactly_one(self.__class__.__name__,, conds)
[docs]class FunctionForPackaging(Function): """Render Function without requiring 'CodeUri'. This exception to the Function spec is for use with the `cloudformation/sam package` commands which add CodeUri automatically. """ resource_type = Function.resource_type props = Function.props.copy() props["CodeUri"] = (props["CodeUri"][0], False)
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class CognitoAuthIdentity(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Header": (str, False), "ValidationExpression": (str, False), }
[docs]class LambdaTokenAuthIdentity(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Header": (str, False), "ValidationExpression": (str, False), "ReauthorizeEvery": (str, False), }
[docs]class LambdaRequestAuthIdentity(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Headers": ([str], False), "QueryStrings": ([str], False), "StageVariables": ([str], False), "Context": ([str], False), "ReauthorizeEvery": (str, False), }
[docs]class CognitoAuth(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "UserPoolArn": (str, False), "Identity": (CognitoAuthIdentity, False), }
[docs]class LambdaTokenAuth(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "FunctionPayloadType": (str, False), "FunctionArn": (str, False), "FunctionInvokeRole": (str, False), "Identity": (LambdaTokenAuthIdentity, False), }
[docs]class LambdaRequestAuth(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "FunctionPayloadType": (str, False), "FunctionArn": (str, False), "FunctionInvokeRole": (str, False), "Identity": (LambdaRequestAuthIdentity, False), }
[docs]class Authorizers(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "DefaultAuthorizer": (str, False), "CognitoAuth": (CognitoAuth, False), "LambdaTokenAuth": (LambdaTokenAuth, False), "LambdaRequestAuth": (LambdaRequestAuth, False), }
[docs]class ResourcePolicyStatement(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AwsAccountBlacklist": (list, False), "AwsAccountWhitelist": (list, False), "CustomStatements": (list, False), "IpRangeBlacklist": (list, False), "IpRangeWhitelist": (list, False), "SourceVpcBlacklist": (list, False), "SourceVpcWhitelist": (list, False), }
[docs]class Auth(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight": (bool, False), "ApiKeyRequired": (bool, False), "Authorizers": (Authorizers, False), "DefaultAuthorizer": (str, False), "InvokeRole": (str, False), "ResourcePolicy": (ResourcePolicyStatement, False), }
[docs]class Cors(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AllowCredentials": (str, False), "AllowHeaders": (str, False), "AllowMethods": (str, False), "AllowOrigin": (str, True), "MaxAge": (str, False), }
[docs]class Route53(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "DistributionDomainName": (str, False), "EvaluateTargetHealth": (bool, False), "HostedZoneId": (str, False), "HostedZoneName": (str, False), "IpV6": (bool, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): conds = [ "HostedZoneId", "HostedZoneName", ] mutually_exclusive(self.__class__.__name__,, conds)
[docs]class Domain(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "BasePath": (list, False), "CertificateArn": (str, True), "DomainName": (str, True), "EndpointConfiguration": (str, False), "Route53": (Route53, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): valid_types = ["REGIONAL", "EDGE"] if ( "EndpointConfiguration" in and["EndpointConfiguration"] not in valid_types ): raise ValueError("EndpointConfiguration must be either REGIONAL or EDGE")
[docs]class EndpointConfiguration(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = {"Type": (str, False), "VPCEndpointIds": (list, False)}
[docs] def validate(self): valid_types = ["REGIONAL", "EDGE", "PRIVATE"] if "Type" in and["Type"] not in valid_types: raise ValueError( "EndpointConfiguration Type must be REGIONAL, EDGE or PRIVATE" )
[docs]class ApiDefinition(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Bucket": (str, True), "Key": (str, True), "Version": (str, False), }
[docs]class Api(AWSObject): resource_type = "AWS::Serverless::Api" props: PropsDictType = { "AccessLogSetting": (AccessLogSetting, False), "Auth": (Auth, False), "BinaryMediaTypes": ([str], False), "CacheClusterEnabled": (bool, False), "CacheClusterSize": (str, False), "CanarySetting": (CanarySetting, False), "Cors": ((str, Cors), False), "DefinitionBody": (dict, False), "DefinitionUri": ((str, ApiDefinition), False), "Description": (str, False), "DisableExecuteApiEndpoint": (bool, False), "Domain": (Domain, False), "EndpointConfiguration": (EndpointConfiguration, False), "MethodSettings": ([MethodSetting], False), "MinimumCompressionSize": (integer_range(0, 10485760), False), "Mode": (str, False), "Models": (dict, False), "Name": (str, False), "OpenApiVersion": (str, False), "StageName": (str, True), "Tags": (dict, False), "TracingEnabled": (bool, False), "Variables": (dict, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): conds = [ "DefinitionBody", "DefinitionUri", ] mutually_exclusive(self.__class__.__name__,, conds)
[docs]class OAuth2Authorizer(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AuthorizationScopes": (list, False), "IdentitySource": (str, False), "JwtConfiguration": (dict, False), }
[docs]class LambdaAuthorizationIdentity(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Context": (list, False), "Headers": (list, False), "QueryStrings": (list, False), "ReauthorizeEvery": (integer, False), "StageVariables": (list, False), }
[docs]class LambdaAuthorizer(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AuthorizerPayloadFormatVersion": (str, True), "EnableSimpleResponses": (boolean, False), "FunctionArn": (str, True), "FunctionInvokeRole": (str, False), "Identity": (LambdaAuthorizationIdentity, False), }
[docs]class HttpApiAuth(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Authorizers": ((OAuth2Authorizer, LambdaAuthorizer), False), "DefaultAuthorizer": (str, False), }
[docs]class HttpApiCorsConfiguration(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AllowCredentials": (boolean, False), "AllowHeaders": (list, False), "AllowMethods": (list, False), "AllowOrigins": (list, False), "ExposeHeaders": (list, False), "MaxAge": (integer, False), }
[docs]class HttpApiDefinition(ApiDefinition): pass
[docs]class HttpApiDomainConfiguration(Domain): pass
[docs]class HttpApi(AWSObject): resource_type = "AWS::Serverless::HttpApi" props: PropsDictType = { "AccessLogSettings": (AccessLogSettings, False), "Auth": (HttpApiAuth, False), "CorsConfiguration": ((str, HttpApiCorsConfiguration), False), "DefaultRouteSettings": (RouteSettings, False), "DefinitionBody": (dict, False), "DefinitionUri": ((str, HttpApiDefinition), False), "Description": (str, False), "DisableExecuteApiEndpoint": (boolean, False), "Domain": (HttpApiDomainConfiguration, False), "FailOnWarnings": (boolean, False), "RouteSettings": (dict, False), "StageName": (str, False), "StageVariables": (dict, False), "Tags": (dict, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): conds = [ "DefinitionBody", "DefinitionUri", ] mutually_exclusive(self.__class__.__name__,, conds)
[docs]class PrimaryKey(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Name": (str, False), "Type": (primary_key_type_validator, False), }
[docs]class SimpleTable(AWSObject): resource_type = "AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable" props: PropsDictType = { "PrimaryKey": (PrimaryKey, False), "ProvisionedThroughput": (ProvisionedThroughput, False), "SSESpecification": (SSESpecification, False), "Tags": (dict, False), "TableName": (str, False), }
[docs]class LayerVersion(AWSObject): resource_type = "AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion" props: PropsDictType = { "CompatibleArchitectures": ([str], False), "CompatibleRuntimes": ([str], False), "ContentUri": ((S3Location, str), True), "Description": (str, False), "LayerName": (str, False), "LicenseInfo": (str, False), "RetentionPolicy": (str, False), }
[docs]class S3Event(AWSObject): resource_type = "S3" props: PropsDictType = { "Bucket": (str, True), "Events": (list, True), "Filter": (Filter, False), }
[docs]class SNSEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "SNS" props: PropsDictType = { "FilterPolicy": (dict, False), "Region": (str, False), "SqsSubscription": (bool, False), "Topic": (str, True), }
[docs]def starting_position_validator(x): valid_types = ["TRIM_HORIZON", "LATEST"] if x not in valid_types: raise ValueError("StartingPosition must be one of: %s" % ", ".join(valid_types)) return x
[docs]class KinesisEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "Kinesis" props: PropsDictType = { "Stream": (str, True), "StartingPosition": (starting_position_validator, True), "BatchSize": (positive_integer, False), "BisectBatchOnFunctionError": (bool, False), "DestinationConfig": (DestinationConfig, False), "Enabled": (bool, False), "FilterCriteria": (FilterCriteria, False), "MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds": (positive_integer, False), "MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds": (integer_range(60, 604800), False), "MaximumRetryAttempts": (positive_integer, False), "ParallelizationFactor": (integer_range(1, 10), False), }
[docs]class DynamoDBEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "DynamoDB" props: PropsDictType = { "Stream": (str, True), "StartingPosition": (starting_position_validator, True), "BatchSize": (positive_integer, False), }
[docs]class ApiFunctionAuth(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "ApiKeyRequired": (bool, False), "AuthorizationScopes": (list, False), "Authorizer": (str, False), "InvokeRole": (str, False), "ResourcePolicy": (ResourcePolicyStatement, False), }
[docs]class RequestModel(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Model": (str, True), "Required": (bool, False), "ValidateBody": (bool, False), "ValidateParameters": (bool, False), }
[docs]def api_function_auth_validator(auth): if not isinstance(auth, (Auth, ApiFunctionAuth)): raise TypeError( f"Value {auth} of type {type(auth)}, expected {Auth} or {ApiFunctionAuth}" ) if isinstance(auth, Auth): from warnings import warn warn( f"The use of {Auth} in ApiEvent is deprecated. Please use {ApiFunctionAuth} instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return auth
[docs]class ApiEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "Api" props: PropsDictType = { "Auth": (api_function_auth_validator, False), "Path": (str, True), "Method": (str, True), "RequestModel": (RequestModel, False), "RequestParameters": (str, False), "RestApiId": (str, False), }
[docs]class ScheduleEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "Schedule" props: PropsDictType = { "Schedule": (str, True), "Input": (str, False), "Description": (str, False), "Enabled": (bool, False), "Name": (str, False), }
[docs]class DeadLetterConfig(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "Arn": (str, False), "QueueLogicalId": (str, False), "Type": (str, False), }
[docs]class FlexibleTimeWindow(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "MaximumWindowInMinutes": (double, False), "Mode": (str, True), }
[docs]class RetryPolicy(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "MaximumEventAgeInSeconds": (double, False), "MaximumRetryAttempts": (double, False), }
[docs]class ScheduleV2Event(AWSObject): resource_type = "ScheduleV2" props: PropsDictType = { "DeadLetterConfig": (DeadLetterConfig, False), "Description": (str, False), "EndDate": (str, False), "FlexibleTimeWindow": (FlexibleTimeWindow, False), "GroupName": (str, False), "Input": (str, False), "KmsKeyArn": (str, False), "Name": (str, False), "OmitName": (bool, False), "PermissionsBoundary": (str, False), "RetryPolicy": (RetryPolicy, False), "RoleArn": (str, False), "ScheduleExpression": (str, True), "ScheduleExpressionTimezone": (str, False), "StartDate": (str, False), "State": (str, False), }
[docs]class CloudWatchEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "CloudWatchEvent" props: PropsDictType = { "Pattern": (dict, True), "Input": (str, False), "InputPath": (str, False), }
[docs]class IoTRuleEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "IoTRule" props: PropsDictType = { "Sql": (str, True), "AwsIotSqlVersion": (str, False), }
[docs]class AlexaSkillEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "AlexaSkill" props: PropsDictType = {}
[docs]class SQSEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "SQS" props: PropsDictType = {"Queue": (str, True), "BatchSize": (positive_integer, True)}
[docs] def validate(self): if not 1 <=["BatchSize"] <= 10: raise ValueError("BatchSize must be between 1 and 10")
[docs]class MSKEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "MSK" props: PropsDictType = { "ConsumerGroupId": (str, False), "FilterCriteria": (FilterCriteria, False), "MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds": (integer, False), "SourceAccessConfigurations": ([SourceAccessConfiguration], False), "StartingPosition": (str, True), "StartingPositionTimestamp": (double, False), "Stream": (str, True), "Topics": ([str], True), }
[docs]class SelfManagedKafkaEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "SelfManagedKafka" props: PropsDictType = { "BatchSize": (integer, False), "ConsumerGroupId": (str, False), "Enabled": (bool, False), "FilterCriteria": (FilterCriteria, False), "KafkaBootstrapServers": ([str], False), "SourceAccessConfigurations": ([SourceAccessConfiguration], True), "Topics": ([str], True), }
[docs]class MQEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "MQ" props: PropsDictType = { "BatchSize": (integer, False), "Broker": (str, True), "DynamicPolicyName": (bool, False), "Enabled": (bool, False), "FilterCriteria": (FilterCriteria, False), "MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds": (integer, False), "Queues": ([str], True), "SecretsManagerKmsKeyId": (str, False), "SourceAccessConfigurations": ([SourceAccessConfiguration], True), }
[docs]class DocumentDBEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "DocumentDB" props: PropsDictType = { "BatchSize": (integer, False), "Cluster": (str, True), "CollectionName": (str, False), "DatabaseName": (str, True), "Enabled": (bool, False), "FilterCriteria": (FilterCriteria, False), "FullDocument": (str, False), "MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds": (integer, False), "SecretsManagerKmsKeyId": (str, False), "SourceAccessConfigurations": ([str], True), "StartingPosition": (str, True), "StartingPositionTimestamp": (double, False), }
[docs]class Target(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = {"Id": (str, True)}
[docs]class EventBridgeRuleEvent(AWSObject): resource_type = "EventBridgeRule" props: PropsDictType = { "DeadLetterConfig": (DeadLetterConfig, False), "EventBusName": (str, False), "Input": (str, False), "InputPath": (str, False), "Name": (str, False), "Pattern": (dict, True), "RetryPolicy": (RetryPolicy, False), "State": (str, False), "Target": (Target, False), }
[docs]class ApplicationLocation(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "ApplicationId": (str, True), "SemanticVersion": (str, True), }
[docs]class Application(AWSObject): resource_type = "AWS::Serverless::Application" props: PropsDictType = { "Location": ((ApplicationLocation, str), True), "NotificationARNs": ([str], False), "Parameters": (dict, False), "Tags": (dict, False), "TimeoutInMinutes": (positive_integer, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): conds = [ "DefinitionBody", "DefinitionUri", ] mutually_exclusive(self.__class__.__name__,, conds)
[docs]class StateMachine(AWSObject): """ `StateMachine <>`__ """ resource_type = "AWS::Serverless::StateMachine" props: PropsDictType = { "Definition": (dict, False), "DefinitionUri": ((S3Location, str), False), "DefinitionSubstitutions": (dict, False), "Events": (dict, False), "Logging": (LoggingConfiguration, False), "Name": (str, False), "PermissionsBoundary": (str, False), "Policies": (policytypes, False), "Role": (str, False), "Tags": (dict, False), "TracingConfiguration": (TracingConfiguration, False), "Type": (str, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): if not"Policies") and not"Role"): raise ValueError("You provide either a Role or Policies.") valid_types = ["STANDARD", "EXPRESS"] if "Type" in and["Type"] not in valid_types: raise ValueError("StateMachine Type must be STANDARD or EXPRESS")
[docs]class FunctionGlobals(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": (policytypes, False), "AutoPublishAlias": (str, False), "CodeUri": ((S3Location, str), False), "DeadLetterQueue": (DeadLetterQueue, False), "DeploymentPreference": (DeploymentPreference, False), "Description": (str, False), "Environment": (Environment, False), "EventInvokeConfig": (EventInvokeConfiguration, False), "FileSystemConfigs": ([FileSystemConfig], False), "Handler": (str, False), "KmsKeyArn": (str, False), "Layers": ([str], False), "MemorySize": (validate_memory_size, False), "PermissionsBoundary": (str, False), "ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig": (ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration, False), "ReservedConcurrentExecutions": (positive_integer, False), "Runtime": (str, False), "Tags": (dict, False), "Timeout": (positive_integer, False), "Tracing": (str, False), "VpcConfig": (VPCConfig, False), }
[docs]class ApiGlobals(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AccessLogSetting": (AccessLogSetting, False), "Auth": (Auth, False), "BinaryMediaTypes": ([str], False), "CacheClusterEnabled": (bool, False), "CacheClusterSize": (str, False), "CanarySetting": (CanarySetting, False), "Cors": ((str, Cors), False), "DefinitionUri": ((str, ApiDefinition), False), "Domain": (Domain, False), "EndpointConfiguration": (EndpointConfiguration, False), "MethodSettings": ([MethodSetting], False), "MinimumCompressionSize": (integer_range(0, 10485760), False), "Name": (str, False), "OpenApiVersion": (str, False), "TracingEnabled": (bool, False), "Variables": (dict, False), }
[docs]class HttpApiGlobals(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "AccessLogSettings": (AccessLogSettings, False), "Auth": (HttpApiAuth, False), "StageVariables": (dict, False), "Tags": (dict, False), }
[docs]class SimpleTableGlobals(AWSProperty): props: PropsDictType = { "SSESpecification": (SSESpecification, False), }
[docs]class Globals(AWSProperty): """Supported Globals properties. See: """ props: PropsDictType = { "Api": (ApiGlobals, False), "Function": (FunctionGlobals, False), "HttpApi": (HttpApiGlobals, False), "SimpleTable": (SimpleTableGlobals, False), }