Source code for troposphere.openstack.neutron

# Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Mark Peek <>
# Copyright (c) 2014, Andy Botting <>
# All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE file for full license.

from troposphere import AWSObject, AWSProperty
from troposphere.validators import (

[docs]class Firewall(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::Firewall" props = { "admin_state_up": (boolean, False), "description": (str, False), "firewall_policy_id": (str, True), "name": (str, False), }
[docs]class FirewallPolicy(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::FirewallPolicy" props = { "audited": (boolean, False), "description": (str, False), "firewall_rules": (list, True), "name": (str, False), "shared": (boolean, False), }
[docs]class FirewallRule(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::FirewallRule" props = { "action": (str, False), "description": (str, False), "destination_ip_address": (str, False), "destination_port": (network_port, False), "enabled": (boolean, False), "ip_version": (str, False), "name": (str, False), "protocol": (str, False), "shared": (boolean, False), "source_ip_address": (str, False), "source_port": (network_port, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): if "action" in self.resource: action = self.resource["action"] if action not in ["allow", "deny"]: raise ValueError("The action attribute must be " "either allow or deny") if "ip_version" in self.resource: ip_version = self.resource["ip_version"] if ip_version not in ["4", "6"]: raise ValueError("The ip_version attribute must be " "either 4 or 6") if "protocol" in self.resource: protocol = self.resource["protocol"] if protocol not in ["tcp", "udp", "icmp", None]: raise ValueError( "The protocol attribute must be " "either tcp, udp, icmp or None" )
[docs]class FloatingIP(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::FloatingIP" props = { "fixed_ip_address": (str, False), "floating_network_id": (str, True), "port_id": (str, False), "value_specs": (dict, False), }
[docs]class FloatingIPAssociation(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation" props = { "fixed_ip_address": (str, False), "floatingip_id": (str, True), "port_id": (str, False), }
[docs]class HealthMonitor(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor" props = { "admin_state_up": (boolean, False), "delay": (positive_integer, True), "expected_codes": (str, False), "http_method": (str, False), "max_retries": (integer, True), "timeout": (integer, True), "type": (str, True), "url_path": (str, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): if "type" in self.resource: mon_type = self.resource["type"] if mon_type not in ["PING", "TCP", "HTTP", "HTTPS"]: raise ValueError( "The type attribute must be " "either PING, TCP, HTTP or HTTPS" )
[docs]class SessionPersistence(AWSProperty): props = { "cookie_name": (str, False), "type": (str, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): if "type" in self.resource: if "cookie_name" not in self.resource: raise ValueError( "The cookie_name attribute must be " "given if session type is APP_COOKIE" ) session_type = self.resource["type"] if session_type not in ["SOURCE_IP", "HTTP_COOKIE", "APP_COOKIE"]: raise ValueError( "The type attribute must be " "either SOURCE_IP, HTTP_COOKIE or APP_COOKIE" )
[docs]class VIP(AWSProperty): props = { "address": (str, False), "admin_state_up": (boolean, False), "connection_limit": (integer, True), "description": (str, False), "name": (str, False), "protocol_port": (network_port, True), "session_persistence": (SessionPersistence, False), }
[docs]class Pool(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::Pool" props = { "admin_state_up": (boolean, False), "description": (str, False), "lb_method": (str, True), "monitors": (list, False), "name": (str, False), "protocol": (str, True), "subnet_id": (str, True), "vip": (VIP, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): if "lb_method" in self.resource: lb_method = self.resource["lb_method"] if lb_method not in ["ROUND_ROBIN", "LEAST_CONNECTIONS", "SOURCE_IP"]: raise ValueError( "The lb_method attribute must be " "either ROUND_ROBIN, LEAST_CONNECTIONS " "or SOURCE_IP" ) if "protocol" in self.resource: protocol = self.resource["protocol"] if protocol not in ["TCP", "HTTP", "HTTPS"]: raise ValueError( "The type attribute must be " "either TCP, HTTP or HTTPS" )
[docs]class LoadBalancer(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer" props = { "members": (list, False), "pool_id": (Pool, True), "protocol_port": (network_port, True), }
[docs]class Net(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::Net" props = { "admin_state_up": (boolean, False), "name": (str, False), "shared": (boolean, False), "tenant_id": (str, False), "value_specs": (dict, False), }
[docs]class PoolMember(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::PoolMember" props = { "address": (str, True), "admin_state_up": (boolean, False), "pool_id": (Pool, True), "protocol_port": (network_port, True), "weight": (integer_range(0, 256), False), }
[docs]class AddressPair(AWSProperty): props = { "ip_address": (str, True), "mac_address": (str, False), }
[docs]class FixedIP(AWSProperty): props = { "ip_address": (str, False), "subnet_id": (str, False), }
[docs]class Port(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::Port" props = { "admin_state_up": (boolean, False), "allowed_address_pairs": (list, False), "device_id": (str, False), "fixed_ips": (list, False), "mac_address": (str, False), "name": (str, False), "network_id": (str, True), "security_groups": (list, False), "value_specs": (dict, False), }
[docs]class SecurityGroup(AWSObject): resource_type = "OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup" props = { "description": (str, True), "name": (str, False), "rules": (list, False), }
[docs]class SecurityGroupRule(AWSProperty): props = { "direction": (str, False), "ethertype": (str, False), "port_range_max": (network_port, False), "port_range_min": (network_port, False), "protocol": (str, False), "remote_group_id": (str, False), "remote_ip_prefix": (str, False), "remote_mode": (str, False), }
[docs] def validate(self): if "direction" in self.resource: direction = self.resource["direction"] if direction not in ["ingress", "egress"]: raise ValueError( "The direction attribute must be " "either ingress or egress" ) if "ethertype" in self.resource: ethertype = self.resource["ethertype"] if ethertype not in ["IPv4", "IPv6"]: raise ValueError( "The ethertype attribute must be " "either IPv4 or IPv6" ) if "protocol" in self.resource: protocol = self.resource["protocol"] if protocol not in ["tcp", "udp", "icmp"]: raise ValueError( "The protocol attribute must be " "either tcp, udp or icmp" ) if "remote_mode" in self.resource: remote_mode = self.resource["remote_mode"] if remote_mode not in ["remote_ip_prefix", "remote_group_id"]: raise ValueError( "The remote_mode attribute must be " "either remote_ip_prefix or remote_group_id" )