Source code for tests.test_validators

import unittest

from troposphere import AWS_REGION, NoValue, Parameter, Ref, Tags
from troposphere.validators import (
from troposphere.validators.backup import backup_vault_name
from troposphere.validators.elasticloadbalancingv2 import tg_healthcheck_port
from troposphere.validators.iam import (
from troposphere.validators.ssm import (

[docs]class TestValidators(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_boolean(self): for x in [True, "True", "true", 1, "1"]: self.assertEqual(boolean(x), True, repr(x)) for x in [False, "False", "false", 0, "0"]: self.assertEqual(boolean(x), False, repr(x)) for x in ["000", "111", "abc"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): boolean(x)
[docs] def test_integer(self): self.assertEqual(integer(-1), -1) self.assertEqual(integer("-1"), "-1") self.assertEqual(integer(0), 0) self.assertEqual(integer("0"), "0") self.assertEqual(integer(65535), 65535) self.assertEqual(integer("65535"), "65535") self.assertEqual(integer(1.0), 1.0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): integer("string") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): integer(object) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): integer(None)
[docs] def test_positive_integer(self): for x in [0, 1, 65535]: positive_integer(x) for x in [-1, -10]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): positive_integer(x)
[docs] def test_integer_range(self): between_ten_and_twenty = integer_range(10, 20) self.assertEqual(between_ten_and_twenty(10), 10) self.assertEqual(between_ten_and_twenty(15), 15) self.assertEqual(between_ten_and_twenty(20), 20) for i in (-1, 9, 21, 1111111): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): between_ten_and_twenty(i)
[docs] def test_network_port(self): for x in [-1, 0, 1, 1024, 65535]: network_port(x) for x in [-2, -10, 65536, 100000]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): network_port(x)
[docs] def test_network_port_ref(self): p = Parameter("myport") network_port(Ref(p))
[docs] def test_tg_healthcheck_port(self): for x in ["traffic-port"]: tg_healthcheck_port(x) for x in [-1, 0, 1, 1024, 65535]: tg_healthcheck_port(x) for x in [-2, -10, 65536, 100000]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): tg_healthcheck_port(x)
[docs] def test_tg_healthcheck_port_ref(self): p = Parameter("myport") tg_healthcheck_port(Ref(p))
[docs] def test_s3_bucket_name(self): for b in ["a" * 3, "a" * 63, "wick3d-sweet.bucket"]: s3_bucket_name(b) for b in ["a" * 2, "a" * 64, "invalid_bucket", "InvalidBucket"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): s3_bucket_name(b) for b in [".invalid", "invalid.", "invalid..bucket"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): s3_bucket_name(b) for b in ["", "", "111.222.333.444"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): s3_bucket_name(b)
[docs] def test_elb_name(self): for b in ["a", "a-a", "aaa", "a" * 32, "wick3d-elb-name", "Wick3d-ELB-Name"]: elb_name(b) for b in [ "a" * 33, "invalid_elb", "-invalid-elb", "invalid-elb-", "-elb-", "-a", "a-", ]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): elb_name(b)
[docs] def test_encoding(self): for e in ["plain", "base64"]: encoding(e) for e in ["wrong_encdoing", "base62"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): encoding(e)
[docs] def test_status(self): for s in ["Active", "Inactive"]: status(s) for s in ["active", "idle"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): status(s)
[docs] def test_iam_names(self): for s in ["foobar.+=@-,", "BARfoo789.+=@-,"]: iam_names(s) for s in ["foo%", "bar$"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): iam_names(s)
[docs] def test_iam_path(self): for s in ["/%s/" % ("a" * 30), "/%s/" % ("a" * 510)]: iam_path(s) for s in ["/%s/" % ("a" * 511), "/%s/" % ("a" * 1025)]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): iam_path(s)
[docs] def test_iam_role_name(self): for s in ["a" * 30, "a" * 64]: iam_role_name(s) for s in ["a" * 65, "a" * 128]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): iam_role_name(s)
[docs] def test_iam_group_name(self): for s in ["a" * 64, "a" * 128]: iam_group_name(s) for s in ["a" * 129, "a" * 256]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): iam_group_name(s)
[docs] def test_iam_user_name(self): for s in ["a", "a" * 64, "A", "Aa", "A=,.@-"]: iam_user_name(s) for s in ["", "a" * 65, "a%", "a#", "A a"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): iam_user_name(s)
[docs] def test_backup_vault_name(self): for s in ["a", "a" * 50, "A", "Aa", "A1", "A-a", "A_a", "A.a"]: backup_vault_name(s) for s in ["", "a" * 65, "a%", "a#", "A a"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): backup_vault_name(s)
[docs] def test_check_required(self): class_name = "test_class" props = { "foo": 1, "bar": 2, } conditionals = { "foo", "bar", } check_required(class_name, props, conditionals) conditionals = { "foo", "bar", "baz", } with self.assertRaises(ValueError): check_required(class_name, props, conditionals)
[docs] def test_one_of(self): conds = ["Bilbo", "Frodo"] one_of("hobbits", {"first": "Bilbo"}, "first", conds) one_of("hobbits", {"first": "Frodo"}, "first", conds) one_of("hobbits", {"first": Ref(AWS_REGION)}, "first", conds) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): one_of("hobbits", {"first": "Gandalf"}, "first", conds) one_of("hobbits", {"first": "Gandalf"}, "second", conds)
[docs] def test_mutually_exclusive(self): conds = ["a", "b", "c"] mutually_exclusive("a", {"a": "apple"}, conds) mutually_exclusive("b", {"b": "banana"}, conds) mutually_exclusive("c", {"c": "carrot"}, conds) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): mutually_exclusive("ac", {"a": "apple", "c": "carrot"}, conds) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): mutually_exclusive( "abc", {"a": "apple", "b": "banana", "c": "carrot"}, conds )
[docs] def test_mutually_exclusive_novalue(self): conds = ["a", "b", "c"] properties = { "a": Ref("AWS::NoValue"), "b": NoValue, "c": "AWS::Region", } mutually_exclusive("a", properties, conds)
[docs] def test_compliance_level(self): for s in ["CRITICAL", "HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW", "INFORMATIONAL", "UNSPECIFIED"]: compliance_level(s) for s in ["crit", "", "%%", "FORMATIONAL"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): compliance_level(s)
[docs] def test_notification_event(self): for item in [ ["All", "InProgress", "Success", "TimedOut", "Cancelled", "Failed"], ["InProgress", "TimedOut"], ]: notification_event(item) for item in [["", "timeout", "%"], ["Inprogress", "@ll"]]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): notification_event(item)
[docs] def test_notification_type(self): for s in ["Command", "Invocation"]: notification_type(s) for s in ["foo", "", "command", "Iinvocation"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): notification_type(s)
[docs] def test_operating_system(self): for s in ["WINDOWS", "AMAZON_LINUX", "UBUNTU", "REDHAT_ENTERPRISE_LINUX"]: operating_system(s) for s in ["", "bar", "AMAZONLINUX", "LINUX"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): operating_system(s)
[docs] def test_tags_or_list(self): for s in [Tags(), [], Ref("AWS::NoValue")]: tags_or_list(s) for s in ["", "foo", "a", "l@mbda", "STEPFUNCTION"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): tags_or_list(s)
[docs] def test_task_type(self): for s in ["RUN_COMMAND", "AUTOMATION", "LAMBDA", "STEP_FUNCTION"]: task_type(s) for s in ["", "foo", "a", "l@mbda", "STEPFUNCTION"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): task_type(s)
[docs] def test_waf_action_type(self): for s in ["ALLOW", "BLOCK", "COUNT"]: waf_action_type(s) for s in ["", "deny", "UNBLOCK", "COUNTER"]: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): waf_action_type(s)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()