Source code for tests.test_opsworks

import unittest

from troposphere import Template
from troposphere.opsworks import Stack

[docs]class TestOpsWorksStack(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_nosubnet(self): stack = Stack( "mystack", VpcId="myvpcid", ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): stack.validate()
[docs] def test_stack(self): stack = Stack( "mystack", VpcId="myvpcid", DefaultSubnetId="subnetid", ) self.assertIsNone(stack.validate())
[docs] def test_no_required(self): stack = Stack( "mystack", ) t = Template() t.add_resource(stack) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t.to_json()
[docs] def test_required(self): stack = Stack( "mystack", DefaultInstanceProfileArn="instancearn", Name="myopsworksname", ServiceRoleArn="arn", ) t = Template() t.add_resource(stack) t.to_json()
[docs] def test_custom_json(self): stack = Stack( "mystack", DefaultInstanceProfileArn="instancearn", Name="myopsworksname", ServiceRoleArn="arn", ) # Test dict works t = Template() stack.CustomJson = {"foo": "bar"} t.add_resource(stack) t.to_json() # Test json string works t = Template() stack.CustomJson = '{"foo": "bar"}' t.add_resource(stack) t.to_json() # Test boolean fails with self.assertRaises(TypeError): stack.CustomJson = True
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()