Source code for tests.test_examples_template_generator

import json
import os
import re
import unittest

from troposphere.template_generator import TemplateGenerator

[docs]class TestTemplateGenerator(unittest.TestCase): maxDiff = None # those are set by create_test_class filename = None expected_output = None
[docs] def test_template_generator(self): """ Ensures that all example outputs can be loaded into the template generator and back to JSON with no difference. """ # we first get both outputs as JSON strings template = self.expected_output generated = TemplateGenerator(json.loads(template)).to_json() # then we make them into a dict for comparison template = json.loads(template) generated = json.loads(generated) self.assertDictEqual(template, generated)
[docs]def create_test_class(testname, **kwargs): klass = type(testname, (TestTemplateGenerator,), kwargs) return klass
[docs]def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): EXCLUDE_EXAMPLES = ["", ""] # Filter out all *.py files from the examples directory examples = "examples" regex = re.compile(r".py$", re.I) example_filesnames = filter(, os.listdir(examples)) suite = unittest.TestSuite() for f in example_filesnames: if f in EXCLUDE_EXAMPLES: continue testname = "test_" + f[:-3] expected_output = open("tests/examples_output/%s.template" % f[:-3]).read() test_class = create_test_class( testname, filename=examples + "/" + f, expected_output=expected_output ) tests = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class) suite.addTests(tests) return suite
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()