Source code for tests.test_apigateway

import unittest

from troposphere import Join
from troposphere.apigateway import GatewayResponse, Model

[docs]class TestModel(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_schema(self): # Check with no schema model = Model( "schema", RestApiId="apiid", ) model.validate() # Check valid json schema string model = Model( "schema", RestApiId="apiid", Schema='{"a": "b"}', ) model.validate() # Check invalid json schema string model = Model( "schema", RestApiId="apiid", Schema='{"a: "b"}', ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): model.validate() # Check accepting dict and converting to string in validate d = {"c": "d"} model = Model("schema", RestApiId="apiid", Schema=d) model.validate() self.assertEqual(["Schema"], '{"c": "d"}') # Check invalid Schema type with self.assertRaises(TypeError): model = Model("schema", RestApiId="apiid", Schema=1) # Check Schema being an AWSHelperFn model = Model( "schema", RestApiId="apiid", Schema=Join(":", ['{"a', ': "b"}']), ) model.validate()
[docs]class TestGatewayResponse(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_response_type(self): gateway_response = GatewayResponse( "GatewayResponse", ResponseType="DEFAULT_4XX", RestApiId="apiid", StatusCode="200", ) gateway_response.validate() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): gateway_response = GatewayResponse( "GatewayResponse", ResponseType="INVALID_RESPONSE_TYPE", RestApiId="apiid", StatusCode="200", )
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()